The building and construction industry is traditionally one of the most complex and adversarial arenas in which to resolve disputes, predominantly because of the number of parties that become involved, especially on large-scale projects.
Mediation has quickly become the most common form of dispute resolution in the building and construction industry as parties seek to resolve issues rather than potentially halting works for years, incurring huge and unnecessary expense and irreparably damaging relationships through litigation. There are a wide range of issues that mediation can help to resolve, including –
- Issues with contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers
- Contractual disputes
- Entitlements to penalties or extensions
- Professional negligence
- Finance
- International and multi-jurisdictional issues
Global Mediation’s highly-skilled mediators facilitate both parties in working towards a swift, cost-effective and mutually beneficial settlement, as well as attempting to keep projects to timescales and rebuilding trust and relationships.
For more information on Global Mediation’s building and construction mediation service, please contact us.
Examples of cases mediated
- Multi-party defective foundations case
- Scott Schedule dilapidations
- Party wall agreement dispute
- Dispute relating to the discovery of ransom strip in residential conveyance
- Boundary dispute / issues of ownership and trespass
- A disagreement arising out of defective/incomplete works and related warranty claims.
- A dispute between parties about breaches of statutory duty
- A number of cases involving disputes about vibration and demolition damage to buildings
- A disagreement about failure to build in accordance with or obtain Building Regulations/Planning permission
- A time penalties claim due to faulty conservatory design, Further Time Penalty claims
- Disagreement over poor flat roofing work
- Dispute between builder and clients for whom he had constructed an external wall with which they were unhappy; both sides were represented and the main concern by the time of the mediation was the escalating legal costs
- Claim brought by a group of estate residents against a large construction company in relation to a private access road which was alleged to be not fit for purpose.
- Dispute between individual and builder/sub contractor regarding cost and quality of kitchen installation, with legal issues as to who was responsible for alleged loss
- Dispute about the installation of a roof waterproofing system, and whether ingress of water was caused by owner of property, the method of installation or the appropriateness of the covering (three defendants).
- Dispute between hotel owners and commercial plumbing and heating installers regarding allegations of faulty installation and damages claims
- Building dispute over contract for supply and erection of waste transfer building and offices
- Sub-contractual claim for non-payment of invoices at housing development
- Building dispute over construction of extension to residential premises funded by local authority disability grant
- Dispute over building works to private house involving re-design and extension to ground floor premises and re-fit of kitchen.
- Dispute between owners of neighbouring properties over defective building works causing damage to party wall.
- Contractual dispute over extension and re-design of kitchen at residential premises
- Dispute arising from construction of new buildings and associated services in college of further education
- Various disputes arising from commercial building construction
- Various disputes arising from residential building construction and renovation