Meet the team

Prof. Irvine Gersch

Designated Safeguarding Officer and Consultant

Emeritus Professor Irvine Gersch is the past Director of Programmes in Educational and Child Psychology at the University of East London. Prior to this, he worked as a teacher, an educational psychologist and as Principal Educational Psychologist. He has been on the board of Global Mediation since the company’s inception and now works as a Consultant, with special responsibility for training, quality assurance, safeguarding and business development.

He is widely published on subjects including school leadership and management; listening to children and behaviour management; parenting; mediation and conciliation in special educational needs; the future of SEN and psychology, and coaching and mentoring.

He has acted as advisor for the Government in SEN and has received two annual awards from the British Psychological Society for distinguished contributions to the profession of educational and child psychology in 2002 and 2016.

Irvine is currently a member of the College of Mediators and the Civil Mediation Council Panel of Assessors, having served on the DfE working party, developing standards and training for SEND mediators.

Irvine is recognised as an accredited SEND Mediator, awarded by the College of Mediators and the Civil Mediation Council. He has a PhD in Leadership, and is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and Higher Educational Academy, and is a chartered Psychologist. He has co-edited a text book on mediation and remains passionate about mediation as a vital tool in today’s world.


For all enquiries, please e-mail and one of our experienced team will get back to you.

Prof. Irvine Gersch