Probate costs are set to rise, with big money cases now incurring court fees of up to £20,000. That’s a lot of money to pay, just to sort out family finances. It’s in line with recent increases in court fees for other family law matters, such as divorce or financial remedy issues. And court fees are only one aspect of entering the court process – added to that are legal and representation costs.
Mediation offers a way of resolving family issues in a speedier, cost-effective way. Typically, financial and property matters can be fully explored and resolved in 6 – 8 hours of mediation, spread over three or four meetings, at a cost of around £1,000 per person.
Family mediation is not restricted to divorcing or separating couples. It is also possible to discuss issues surrounding concerns over inheritance so that the views and positions of all concerned are clarified and recorded at a time when they are free from feelings of bereavement and grief.